Correct example pages 453-454 for [R] zip

We have data on the number of fish caught by visitors to a national park. Some of the visitors do not fish, but we do not have the data on whether a person fished or not; we merely have data on how many fish were caught together with several covariates. As our data have a preponderance of zeros (142 out of 250), we use the zip command to model the outcome.

        . zip count persons livebait, inf(child camper) nolog vuong

        Zero-inflated poisson regression                  Number of obs   =        250
                                                          Nonzero obs     =        108
                                                          Zero obs        =        142

        Inflation model = logit                           LR chi2(2)      =     506.48
        Log likelihood  = -850.7014                       Prob > chi2     =     0.0000

           count |      Coef.   Std. Err.       z     P>|z|       [95% Conf. Interval]
        count    |
         persons |   .8068853   .0453288     17.801   0.000       .7180424    .8957281
        livebait |   1.757289   .2446082      7.184   0.000       1.277866    2.236713
           _cons |  -2.178472   .2860289     -7.616   0.000      -2.739078   -1.617865
        inflate  |
           child |   1.602571   .2797719      5.728   0.000       1.054228    2.150913
          camper |  -1.015698    .365259     -2.781   0.005      -1.731593   -.2998038
           _cons |  -.4922872   .3114562     -1.581   0.114       -1.10273    .1181558
        Vuong Test of Zip vs. Poisson:        3.946   Prob > Z   0.000

Since the vuong option was specified, the output includes a Vuong test comparing the zero-inflated Poisson model and the Poisson model. Vuong (1989) developed a general test for testing non-nested models. This test was applied to zero-inflated Poisson and negative binomial models by Greene (1994), although that paper was never published and a description of the work appears in Greene (1999). This topic is also covered by Long (1997). This test statistic has a standard normal distribution with large positive values favoring the zero inflated Poisson model and large negative values favoring the Poisson model. In this example, the zero inflated model is strongly favored.

We could also estimate this model using zinb:

        . zinb count persons livebait, inf(child camper) nolog vuong zip

        Zero-inflated negative binomial regression        Number of obs   =        250
                                                          Nonzero obs     =        108
                                                          Zero obs        =        142

        Inflation model = logit                           LR chi2(2)      =      82.23
        Log likelihood  = -401.5478                       Prob > chi2     =     0.0000

           count |      Coef.   Std. Err.       z     P>|z|       [95% Conf. Interval]
        count    |
         persons |   .9742984   .1034938      9.414   0.000       .7714543    1.177142
        livebait |   1.557523   .4124424      3.776   0.000       .7491503    2.365895
           _cons |  -2.730064    .476953     -5.724   0.000      -3.664874   -1.795253
        inflate  |
           child |   3.185999   .7468551      4.266   0.000        1.72219    4.649808
          camper |  -2.020951    .872054     -2.317   0.020      -3.730146   -.3117567
           _cons |  -2.695385   .8929071     -3.019   0.003       -4.44545   -.9453189
        /lnalpha |   .5110429   .1816816      2.813   0.005       .1549535    .8671323
           alpha |   1.667029   .3028685                          1.167604    2.380076
        Likelihood ratio test of alpha=0:    chi2(1) =  898.307   Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
        Vuong Test of Zinb vs. Neg. Bin: Std. Normal  5.591       Prob > Z      0.0000

Since the zip option was specified, a likelihood ratio test of the null that alpha=0 appears at the bottom of the output table. When alpha=0, the zero inflated negative binomial model reduces to the zero inflated Poisson model. In this example, that hypothesis is very strongly rejected.

As in the zip example, the Vuong test, obtained with the vuong option, strongly favors the zero inflated model.