Bayesian Analysis Reference Manual
This manual includes features that are part of StataNow.
Publisher: | Stata Press |
Copyright: | 2023 |
ISBN-13: | 978-1-59718-372-7 |
Pages: | 835 |
Suggested citation
StataCorp. 2023. Stata 18 Bayesian Analysis Reference Manual. College Station, TX: Stata Press.
Supplemental materials
Introduction to Bayesian analysis using Stata training course
Table of contents
Intro | Introduction to Bayesian analysis |
Bayesian commands | Introduction to commands for Bayesian analysis |
Bayesian estimation | Bayesian estimation commands |
bayes | Bayesian regression models using the bayes prefix StataNow |
bayesmh | Bayesian models using Metropolis–Hastings algorithm StataNow |
bayesmh evaluators | User-defined evaluators with bayesmh |
Bayesian postestimation | Postestimation tools for bayesmh and the bayes prefix |
bayesgraph | Graphical summaries and convergence diagnostics |
bayesstats | Bayesian statistics after Bayesian estimation |
bayesstats ess | Effective sample sizes and related statistics |
bayesstats grubin | Gelman–Rubin convergence diagnostics |
bayesstats ic | Bayesian information criteria and Bayes factors | bayesstats ppvalues | Bayesian predictive p-values and other predictive summaries |
bayesstats summary | Bayesian summary statistics |
bayestest | Bayesian hypothesis testing |
bayestest interval | Interval hypothesis testing |
bayestest model | Hypothesis testing using model posterior probabilities |
bayespredict | Bayesian predictions |
set clevel | Set default credible level |
bayes: betareg | Bayesian beta regression |
bayes: binreg | Bayesian generalized linear models: Extensions to the binomial family |
bayes: biprobit | Bayesian bivariate probit regression |
bayes: clogit | Bayesian conditional logistic regression |
bayes: cloglog | Bayesian complementary log–log regression |
bayes: dsge | Bayesian linear dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models |
bayes: dsgenl | Bayesian nonlinear dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models |
bayes: dsge postestimation | Postestimation tools for bayes: dsge and bayes: dsgenl |
bayes: fracreg | Bayesian fractional response regression |
bayes: glm | Bayesian generalized linear models |
bayes: gnbreg | Bayesian generalized negative binomial regression |
bayes: heckman | Bayesian Heckman selection model |
bayes: heckoprobit | Bayesian ordered probit model with sample selection |
bayes: heckprobit | Bayesian probit model with sample selection |
bayes: hetoprobit | Bayesian heteroskedastic ordered probit regression |
bayes: hetprobit | Bayesian heteroskedastic probit regression |
bayes: hetregress | Bayesian heteroskedastic linear regression |
bayes: intreg | Bayesian interval regression |
bayes: logistic | Bayesian logistic regression, reporting odds ratios |
bayes: logit | Bayesian logistic regression, reporting coefficients |
bayes: mecloglog | Bayesian multilevel complementary log–log regression |
bayes: meglm | Bayesian multilevel generalized linear model |
bayes: meintreg | Bayesian multilevel interval regression |
bayes: melogit | Bayesian multilevel logistic regression |
bayes: menbreg | Bayesian multilevel negative binomial regression |
bayes: meologit | Bayesian multilevel ordered logistic regression |
bayes: meoprobit | Bayesian multilevel ordered probit regression |
bayes: mepoisson | Bayesian multilevel Poisson regression |
bayes: meprobit | Bayesian multilevel probit regression |
bayes: mestreg | Bayesian multilevel parametric survival models |
bayes: metobit | Bayesian multilevel tobit regression |
bayes: mixed | Bayesian multilevel linear regression |
bayes: mlogit | Bayesian multinomial logistic regression |
bayes: mprobit | Bayesian multinomial probit regression |
bayes: mvreg | Bayesian multivariate regression |
bayes: nbreg | Bayesian negative binomial regression |
bayes: ologit | Bayesian ordered logistic regression |
bayes: oprobit | Bayesian ordered probit regression |
bayes: poisson | Bayesian Poisson regression |
bayes: probit | Bayesian probit regression |
bayes: qreg | Bayesian quantile regression StataNow |
bayes: regress | Bayesian linear regression |
bayes: streg | Bayesian parametric survival models |
bayes: tnbreg | Bayesian truncated negative binomial regression |
bayes: tobit | Bayesian tobit regression |
bayes: tpoisson | Bayesian truncated Poisson regression |
bayes: truncreg | Bayesian truncated regression |
bayes: var | Bayesian vector autoregressive models |
bayes: var postestimation | Postestimation tools for bayes: var |
bayesvarstable | Check the stability condition of Bayesian VAR estimates |
bayesfcast | Bayesian dynamic forecasts |
bayesfcast compute | Compute Bayesian dynamic forecasts |
bayesfcast graph | Graphs of Bayesian dynamic forecasts |
bayesirf | Bayesian IRFs, dynamic-multiplier functions, and FEVDs |
bayesirf create | Obtain Bayesian IRFs, dynamic-multiplier functions, and FEVDs |
bayesirf graph | Graphs of Bayesian IRFs, dynamic-multiplier functions, and FEVDs |
bayesirf cgraph | Combined graphs of Bayesian IRF results |
bayes ograph | Overlaid graphs of Bayesian IRF results |
bayesirf table | Tables of Bayesian IRFs, dynamic-multiplier functions, and FEVDs |
bayesirf ctable | Combined tables of Bayesian IRF results |
bayes: xtlogit | Bayesian random-effects logit model |
bayes: xtmlogit | Bayesian random-effects multinomial logit model |
bayes: xtnbreg | Bayesian random-effects negative binomial model |
bayes: xtologit | Bayesian random-effects ordered logistic model |
bayes: xtoprobit | Bayesian random-effects ordered probit model |
bayes: xtpoisson | Bayesian random-effects Poisson model |
bayes: xtprobit | Bayesian random-effects probit model |
bayes: xtreg | Bayesian random-effects linear model |
bayes: zinb | Bayesian zero-inflated negative binomial regression |
bayes: ziologit | Bayesian zero-inflated ordered logit regression |
bayes: zioprobit | Bayesian zero-inflated ordered probit regression |
bayes: zip | Bayesian zero-inflated Poisson regression |
Glossary | |
Combined author index | |
Combined subject index | |